We are thrilled to announce that our litigation team succeeded in obtaining a final judgment to the favor of our client, a Cypriot owner, who’s property was subject to a compulsory purchase by the government.

After the full hearing of the case, the Court issued its final judgment and agreed with our side’s positions and awarded our client a compensation amount with interest which was in total approx. 10 times the offer given by the Land Registry Department, being one of the highest amounts ever awarded for compulsory purchase claims in Cyprus.

Mr. Alexandros Coucounis, partner in our Litigation Team, was leading the team in this matter, which successfully cooperated with chartered surveyor Mr. Andreas A. Andreou, of APS Andreou Property Strategy.

For any further details and/or if you wish to discuss your compulsory purchase claim you can contact our Litigation team at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..


The law firm of ANDREAS COUCOUNIS & CO LLC (www.coucounis.com) is a full-fledged law firm that has been offering its legal services for more than 50 years now through its offices in Larnaca, Nicosia and Paphos.


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