Coucounis attends the 1st Millennial Entrepreneurs Summit in Cyprus




The importance of understanding the way of thinking, aspirations and goals of the Millennial Generation in Cyprus could not have been served better than by the joint organization by the Bank of Cyprus, CYTA and Pwc of the 1st Millennial Entrepreneurs Summit in Nicosia, Cyprus in November 2019.


Our law firm’s CEO Mr Tasos Coucounis had the joy in meeting and discussing with new entrepreneurs in the Cypriot business community and was thrilled to see that among them were young and active individuals that had worked with or at Coucounis law firm in the past.


Coucounis, present in all well-known social media platforms, supports the younger generation of millennials through its Summer Placement Scheme every year, giving the opportunity to young students from all backgrounds to discover aspects of the laws and of the legal system in Cyprus which will prove helpful in their future business plans or careers.


N.B.: Andreas Coucounis & Co LLC is a full-fledged law firm on the island of Cyprus, celebrating in 2020 50 years of successful presence in the legal market of the island.

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