Our Private Client & Tax team focuses on the individual and especially on the individual clients’ needs to protect their wealth and deal with tax and regulatory matters in the most efficient way.
We are here to offer the best possible advice on corporate & trust structures that can be of benefit to wealthy individuals around the world. Our advice is not restricted to the solutions that Cyprus can offer, but extends to solutions provided by other jurisdictions that offer the tools to protect and pass over wealth.
Cyprus Inheritance Tax rate of 0% provides good incentive to many people from all parts of the world to consider organising their businesses and private lives through the means of Cypriot Trusts & Wills that can offer peace of mind to their families in the future. Our team is in a position to offer the most efficient and tax transparent estate planning options to global clients.
In collaboration with our Corporate law team, the Private Client & Tax Department offers sound advice to many corporate clients that want to take advantage of the low Cyprus corporate tax rate and establish their business in Cyprus or carry out their business dealings through Cyprus. Cross-border activities in the European Union, Russia, the Middle & Far East, North and South America but also Africa, can be made tax-efficient and transparent through Cyprus with subsequent planning for future needs of individuals within their families. Our country remains a stable and respectable international services centre with a wealth of knowledge and expertise and with a constant drive for the delivery of fast and tailor-made solutions to corporations and individuals from around the planet.
Our clients can take advantage of one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe, that of 12.5%, offered to Cyprus companies through Cyprus Tax Law, the tax benefits offered to Holding Companies which are able to receive and pay out dividends in most cases without incurring any tax and the buying and selling of all kinds of securities (including shares, bonds debentures, rights) which can be traded, or bought and sold privately without any tax.
Our Tax Lawyers can provide advice according to the circumstances and the needs of the individual client looking to start or continue international businesses and investments using a Cyprus company.
The concept of International Trusts is a growing area of interest providing significant tax advantages on which our firm can advise and does so. One of the most important tax considerations is that the income and /or profits to beneficiaries from a Cyprus International Trusts can be non- taxable in Cyprus.
Our focus on our private clientele means that we are in a position to assist their families as well when it comes to administration of estates and execution of wills.